Vision & Message

Our Message

Developing a national information system that enables policy-makers to access data, information, and knowledge and utilize them in the planning, policy-making, and decision-making processes to achieve sustainable development goals.

Our Vision

Providing the best information and knowledge in a timely manner serves the goals of sustainable development.


Data Collection

Collecting data related to science, technology, and innovation associated with the work of the Supreme Council.

Data Analysis

Data analysis and conversion into information

Data Management

Managing information and utilizing it for knowledge to contribute to achieving the goals of the Supreme Council for Economic and Social Development through research, development, technology transfer, and innovation.

Providing a database.

Providing a scientific and research database that meets the requirements of actual development.

Collaboration with relevant entities.

Collaborating with official and private entities within and outside the kingdom who possess databases or information banks to achieve the goals of the Supreme Council in promoting scientific research, development, and innovation.