We, Abdullah II Ibn Al Hussein, King of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan,

By virtue of Article 31 of the Constitution,

And based on the decision of the Council of Ministers dated 16/6/2021,

Hereby issue the following regulation: -

Regulation No. (63) of 2021

National Center for Science and Technology Information System

Issued pursuant to paragraph (a) of Article 7 of the Higher Council for Science and Technology Law No. (30) of 1987

Article 1

This regulation shall be called the "National Center for Science and Technology Information System for the year 2021" and shall come into effect thirty days after its publication in the Official Gazette.

Article 2

The following terms and phrases wherever mentioned in this regulation shall have the meanings assigned to them below, unless the context indicates otherwise: -

The Higher Council

The Higher Council for Science and Technology.

The Center

The National Center for Science and Technology Information.

The Board of Directors

The center's board of directors.

The Director

The center's director.

Article 3

A. A center called the "National Center for Science and Technology Information" shall be established as one of the centers affiliated with the Higher Council, with its main headquarters in Amman.

B. The center shall enjoy financial and administrative independence and shall be subject to the regulations and instructions applicable in the Higher Council.

C. Upon the recommendation of the Board of Directors, the Higher Council may open branches of the center in any of the Kingdom's governorates.

Article 4

The center aims to achieve the following:

A. Collecting data related to science, technology, and innovation associated with the work of the Higher Council.

B. Analyzing data and converting it into information.

C. Managing information and utilizing it to contribute to achieving the Higher Council's goals in economic and social development through research, development, technology transfer, and innovation.

D. Providing a scientific and research database that meets the requirements of actual development.

E. Cooperating with governmental and private entities inside or outside the Kingdom that have databases or information banks to achieve the objectives of the Higher Council in promoting scientific research, development, and innovation.

F. Monitoring Jordanian scientists abroad and tracking their research and scientific achievements to serve the objectives of scientific research, development, and innovation.

Article 5

To achieve its objectives, the center shall undertake the following:

A. Preparing plans and programs for training and qualifying employees in data collection, analysis, conversion into information, and utilization.

B. Holding seminars, conferences, and specialized training courses related to its work and participating in any of them.

C. Coordinating with local, regional, and international research and scientific centers, institutions, authorities, and organizations related to the center's work to benefit from the latest scientific methods used worldwide.

D. Building research communication channels between Jordanian researchers in the Kingdom and their counterparts abroad in the center's areas of work.

E. Any other tasks related to its objectives assigned to it by the Council.

Article 6

The center shall be supervised by a Board of Directors chaired by the President of the Higher Council and consisting of the following:

A. The Secretary-General of the Higher Council, as vice-chairman.

B. The Secretary-General of the Ministry of Digital Economy and Entrepreneurship.

C. The Chairman of the Energy and Minerals Regulatory Commission.

D. The Director-General of the Royal Jordanian Geographic Center.

E. The Director-General of the Department of Statistics.

F. A representative from the Jordan Armed Forces, not below the rank of Colonel.

G. The Director/Secretary of the Board of Directors.

H. Three members with scientific competence appointed by the President of the Higher Council for a renewable term of two years, and the membership of any of them may be terminated and a substitute appointed for the remaining period of his membership in the same manner.

Article 7

The Board of Directors shall have the following powers and functions:

A. Approving the center's work plans and agreeing on the financing programs.

B. Approving the organizational structure and job descriptions within it.

C. Appointing employees, determining their salaries and terms, and terminating their services based on the director's nomination.

D. Approving contracts and agreements concluded with any party in the center's field of work.

E. Approving proposed cooperation programs with local and foreign entities.

F. Securing financial resources.

G. Discussing and approving the annual report and final financial statements and submitting them to the Higher Council for approval.

H. Approving the annual budget proposal and submitting it to the Higher Council for approval.

I. Approving the necessary instructions for implementing the provisions of this regulation.

J. Any other matters related to its objectives assigned to it by the President of the Higher Council.

Article 8

A. The Board of Directors shall convene at the invitation of its chairman or vice-chairman, and its meeting shall be validly held in the presence of the majority of its members, provided that the chairman or vice-chairman is among them, and its decisions shall be taken by a majority of the votes of those present, and in case of a tie, the side voted with by the meeting chairman shall prevail.

B. The chairman of the board may invite any person with expertise and specialization to attend board meetings to consult without having the right to vote on its decisions.

Article 9

A. The director shall be appointed by a decision of the President of the Higher Council, and his service shall be terminated in the same manner, with his salary and other financial rights determined in the appointment decision.

B. The director shall undertake the following tasks and powers:

1. Managing the center's administrative and financial affairs.

2. Preparing the action plan and submitting it to the Board of Directors.

3. Preparing the center's annual budget and the job classifications therein, the annual report, and submitting them to the Board of Directors along with the final financial statements and the auditor's report.

4. Implementing the decisions of the Board of Directors and monitoring them.

5. Representing the center externally.

6. Signing contracts and agreements approved by the Board of Directors and being authorized to sign them.

7. Any other tasks or works assigned to him by the Board of Directors.

C. The director may delegate any of the powers stipulated in paragraph (B) of this article to any of the center's employees, provided that the delegation is in writing and specific.

Article 10

The center's financial resources shall consist of the following:

1. The annual amounts allocated to it by the Higher Council from its annual budget.

2. The fees for projects or services provided by it.

3. Grants, donations, scholarships, and any other resources or allocations approved by the Board of Directors, provided that they are approved by the Council of Ministers if they are from a non-Jordanian source.

B. A special account shall be opened for the center in one of the banks to deposit its funds.

C. The center's fiscal year shall begin on the first day of January of each year and end on the thirty-first day of December of the same year.

D. The center's accounts shall be audited by a legal accountant appointed by the Higher Council, who shall determine his fees.

Article 11

A. The center may appoint the necessary number of employees and workers, provided that their salaries, rights, and termination of service are determined in accordance with the Staff Regulations of the General Secretariat of the Higher Council for Science and Technology and its affiliated centers and the instructions