NameThe independence of statistical agencies: The basic principles of international official statistics and the extent of the Kingdom's commitment to them
إستقلالية الأجهزة الإحصائية: المبادئ الأساسية للإحصاءات الرسمية الدولية ومدى إلتزام المملكة بها
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In modern societies, the independence of statistical agencies is one of the cornerstones of democracy. These agencies have the task of providing statistical data in the service of the public interest. Carrying out this role requires them to provide data to all users without delay, according to the best international standards, practices, classifications, and methodologies.

To standardize statistical principles globally, the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics in 2014. The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan is one of the countries in the United Nations that has adopted and committed to these fundamental principles. These principles establish the general framework for the values and general principles of official statistics, emphasizing that the basic guarantee of the efficiency and effectiveness of these values and principles lies in the legislation and institutional frameworks established by national authorities. They also emphasize the necessity for respect for these principles by all political parties and users of data at the national and international levels.

Commitment to high-quality official statistical data is considered the cornerstone for developing the national information system. This system helps conduct analysis, planning, policy-making, and informed decision-making, supporting sustainable development efforts in economic, social, environmental, and other fields. Data also serve as the basis for monitoring and evaluating policy and program performance, identifying gaps, and assisting in making appropriate adjustments.

In an increasingly interconnected world amidst digital transformations, technological advancements, and international obligations, the work of statistical agencies must be based on clear local legislation and systems, as well as applied and declared ethical and professional conduct.

Public trust in the integrity of official statistical systems and confidence in the accuracy of statistics largely depend on the political authorities' respect for the fundamental values and principles that represent the pillars of any society seeking to understand itself, respect the rights of its individuals, and strive to achieve sustainable development goals. These principles confirm that the effectiveness of the fundamental values and principles governing statistical work depends on their embodiment in legal and institutional frameworks and their respect at all political levels and by all relevant parties in the national statistical system.

This paper discusses the concept of independence, reviews the fundamental principles of official statistics, and the characteristics of statistical agencies related to independence. It also addresses the Kingdom's international commitments in the statistical field and evaluates the extent of compliance with these principles.